Recovery . Parenting . Creating

Diary of a Modern Sobriety

7 Years – Feeling lucky

Another day

Another dollar not spent on alcohol.


7 years. I don’t have some profound How To guide. It took me 13 years to get 7. I just kept coming back. More beat up, more jaded, more apprehensive than the time before. I started my process in an Army rehab and AA. I spent 10 years in and out of AA, a program that I am eternally grateful for. I heard early on, “there is nothing worse than a belly full of beer and a head full of AA.” I came around long enough that AA ruined my drinking career. I left AA for good during Covid 2020, I don’t want to say, “for good” because I know they will always be a home if I want it. Thank you AA for loving me until I loved myself.

Cue Stoned Sober. Man, this place is the glue for my recovery. I haven’t struggled in many year, single with a 3.5yr old that is pretty impressive. AA taught me early on that if I am in the community talking to other addicts, then I can’t get drunk. If I am guiding someone new, I am remembering how I got here. If I am helping someone struggling, I am not obsessed with my own struggles stealing my joy. In the past 7 years, I have volunteered and donated so much that I feel like my recovery belongs to everyone, especially my child. Getting out of my own way and out of myself is what saved me.

Finally, when I was 6 weeks sober, my forever person overdosed and died. We were on this journey together until we weren’t. He was my first boundaries to protect my sobriety and then my first major loss in sobriety. Every day is for you, Baffled Brad. Miss you so much my love! To my Gramma who died not having to worry about if I was dead in a ditch, rest in peace.

I Love You All

Thank you for being the beat in my heart!

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Happy New Year

Mon Jan 2 , 2023
This came up in my FB memories today. I was about 2 weeks sober. Codependent asf. About to be at my bottom. I was on my way to an AA dance and I had an amazing time. No really, no BS, that place was poppin’. I had a beautiful man for a date that would […]